Membership-Pacific Hollow HOA

A Destination Neighborhood


To help support the upkeep of our beautiful neighborhood and to attend HOA events, please join us as a Pacific Hollow HOA Member (Pac Member)! Members pay annual dues of $110. Dues payments can be paid to ‘Pacific Hollow HOA’ and mailed to our Treasurer (Adam Cooper) at 15518 Lloyd St., Omaha NE 68144. Or, you may follow the below directions for submitting funds via Paypal.  

You can now pay your dues via paypal......
1.  Log into paypal  
2.  Go to Send/Request
3.  Use this email:
4.  choose send to a friend  (no fee if friend, do not choose goods/service)
5.  amount ($95.00)
6.  Note: your family name and 2021-2022 dues
7.  Name on account:  Pacific Hollow Homeowners Association
8.  send